
Posts Tagged ‘italy’

Well people, I am sitting in the Philadelphia airport waiting for my flight to Amsterdam. this trip is so surreal and I truly cannot believe it is happening.

The first flight from Seattle to Philly went off without a hitch and I even had the privilege of hugging my dear friend goodbye as she is leaving for Iona, Scotland.

I read the first 111 pages of One Hundred Years of Solitude on the flight and I am in love… Gabriel García Márquez, you are a master of words and an artist of fantasy. Besides the pure beauty of this book, I am captured by the topic of solitude. This is something I have been longing for lately and what better time for some solitude than airports. There is nothing better than being alone in a crowd of people, I haven’t felt more myself in quite sometime.

I think I will be contemplating the meaning of journey because I know this is just a small part of mine.

Blessings on you all, in even the most mundane of travels.

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